Who and where
O2rigin was initially financed by an ERC Starting Grant to Stephan König, who brought the project as Principal Investigator to the University Tuebingen, Germany.
With new funding our research continues at the Andalusian Earth Sciences Institute (IACT) of the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) in Granada, Spain.
The Petrology - Geochemistry Granada (PGG) research group at the IACT provides essential components such as state-of-the-art laboratory infrastructure and maintenance (Andalchron), collaborations with colleagues as well as a culture of open-minded scientific discussions.
Contributing scientific team members (IACT)
Dr. Stephan König - Principal Investigator
Dr. Marianne Richter - Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Dr. Carolina Rosca - Postdoctoral Research Associate
Pol Suñer Castillo - PhD student
Scientific team members previously funded by the project (2015-2020)
Dr. Stephan König - Principal Investigator
Dr. Yierpan Aierken - Postdoctoral Research Associate
Lukas Mössinger - MSc student
Dr. Maria Isabel Varas-Reus - Postdoctoral Research Associate
Felix Brey - MSc student
Timo Günzler - MSc student
Timon Kurzawa - PhD student
Regina Neubauer - MSc student
Dr. Jabrane Labidi - Postdoctoral Research Associate
Johannes Redlinger - MSc student
Dr. Carolina Rosca - Postdoctoral Research Associate
Mona Schiller - MSc student
Alena Wawra - MSc student
Andalusian Earth Sciences Institute
Research institute of the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC)